Unless you're one of the few students who works on their Thesis project through the break, you'll need to get back into it.

By the end of Week 1, you should meet with your supervisor, get feedback from Thesis A & B and make plans for how to complete Thesis C.

Currently, we only use Thesis Management System (TMS): https://thesis.cse.unsw.edu.au/ to manage Thesis submissions.

Please check the project detail in TMS. If there are any changes, please send email to CSE Thesis Course Admin to update the records in system.

There are two submissions for Thesis C.

  1. Thesis C demo in Week 8, and slides submission due at 10pm Sunday (last day) of Week 8.
  2. Thesis C report due at 10pm Wednesday of Week 11.

Resource created Saturday 03 September 2022, 05:05:30 PM.

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